Saturday, 31 January 2009

Knowledge management System

............................................knowledge Management deals with the people, culture, organization and technology. Km differs in different organization. Because every organization have got difference in their structure so Km also differs.

............................................In the knowledge management decision making is an important thing. Generally to make a decision, evolves few steps defining , gathering data, identifying alternatives, evaluating those alternatives, implementing the best one and follow up to check whether it is working. Within the large repository we have to skip ,which is not worthy and choose , worth for the organization's success.

......................................At the same time knowing a thing in an organization is not worth. Implementing that thing into an org and making profit out of it is the milestone. For some org the strategies are almost same if they working in the same field. But it does'nt matter. For org the implementation techniques are different. Its because of the organizational process and culture.

...................................KM process have got different phases.As you all know there are two types of knowledge, implicit and explicit. Every implicit knowledge must be converted into explicit knowledge ,so that it can be stored in any of the form.That part is known as storage and for this we use different types of repositories. Sharing becomes so easy by interaction and also because of the stored nature of information. Utilization is most important part because it seriously affect the effectiveness of the org.


Data, Information, Knowledge

................................................. Data is single entity. Alone it doesn't exist. This data is manipulated in a particular way ,which is understandable for the people. At this time it becomes information.

is understanding of a specific subject, and also capability of applying it whenever it matters . Knowledge is gaind from experince also . From education, we all are getting knowledge.By applying it ,we are getting the experince of the knowledge. I think knowledge and the experince are two points connecting a line.

............................................I believe that data as a single have nothing. But to represent the data we need knowledge.To convert data to information, we need something. And for that knowledge is used. At first my understanding about the KID relationship was linear.But I don't think in that way. Although there is a linearity between them, from one state to the other knowledge plays an important part. And he relation may be cyclic. The view of data,information and knowledge differs in nature. For a person data will act as information, which is knowledge for the other.

............................................So its all connected. Its not possible to create a boundary between them

Sunday, 25 January 2009

plan and strategy


.........Plan is a well written document, with some objective and it contains the current market status, financial needs, defined market, standards and the goal itself.Plan will be inside the organization itself, to get maximum advantage.

.........Its not easy to change the plan , according to the changes in market. To create a plan ,we need a lot of resources and case study of the market.And if we are changing the plan in the middle, it will cause a lot of rework and it consumes a lot of time.


Peter Drucker definition: strategy is about knowing where your company is today, where you want to take it, and how you are going to get there.

...............There may not be a well written strategy in an organization, but there will be some kind of strategy. As a beginner in the market,there won`t be any strategy to follow. So for them, whatever they are capable of doing, they follow it. They follow the process as a routine stuff and it becomes the standard for the company. So for them the strategy is basically the only opportunity they have had at that time.

................Changing the strategy does not cost too much for the organization as it is not a well written document as plan. So for me action of the company is considered as the best strategy




...................Is special community, which posses a boundary and working towards some special objectives, set by the organizational structure. They have got their own rules and regulations. Organization has a hierarchical structure, with different group of people at different level.

..................Basically organization have got three level of hierarchy,Strategic level, tactic level and the operational level. Top management level decides the objectives to achieve. Tactical functions of the organization is carried out by the middle level management. Day to day activities of the organization is done by the low level management.

..................Leader is an important factor in an organization, to lead the team in a specified way to achieve the goal. Motivating people within the group is also an important function of the leader. The employees is getting some salaries and incentives to live their own life, which is important for them , because they are satisfied and to achieve more.


MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: by Robert Schultheis, Mary Sumner

CoP 1

...........................................CoP is basically a group of people with some interest, and they were learning by practice and by social interaction, with some goals in their mind. In CoP , sharing of knowledge is happening , but they may not be in a conscious way. In CoP, interaction is happening between the people, but the topic is within the interest. They may not aware of the other interest of the same people they are dealing with.

....................................Within the CoP, there are some other communities, such as CoAction,CoCircumstance,CoPosition etc.

...................................CoAction, is more working voluntarly towards some interest. Gangs may be considered as a CoA.Because they don’t have any view towards the future.

CoCircumstance is a group of people who are gathered by some special circumstance. People in a hostel,apartment and also people in jail can be considered as CoCircumstance.

.................................CoPosition is the community in which we deal with different people at different position of our life. Being a school we are CoP in school, being in college we are CoP in college, as an Employee we are CoP in company.

...........................CoP exist wherever there is people with common thought process , it differs in the which state we are ....


K M 2.......

...................... KM basically deals with different constraints, such as performance, innovation, competitiveness. Each and every time we try to improve the performance and competitiveness advantage with the help of KM.

....................Knowledge differs in different constraints. Tactic knowledge, which is the subconscious knowledge, which we haven`t studied but its born within our self. Explicit knowledge, which we are acquiring with the purpose or by consciously , these are two dimensions.

...................Sometime we provide the data towards some kind of repositories such as database, from which its easy to grab whatever we want.There are certain people who are masters in their trade,and they are ready to share their knowledge in the need of directions.


Thursday, 22 January 2009

I got this much........KM 1

...................................Enterprises have got their knowledge database. But it differs in nature. It may be in magnetic tape , hard disks, files and also in people's head who is working there in that enterprises. It deals with how these tangible and intangible things work together to reach some objectives. It needs a lot of sharing of knowledge. Sharing within an organization is very important, as it leads to success.

.................................I think knowledge management deals with the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The only thing we have to keep in mind that it concerns with manipulation of knowledge to get the better solution than the previous one.

..................................Experience is an important factor in the way the knowledge is managed. Usually within an organization what happens is , some people can make decisions quickly in the favor of organization ,which leads to the goal or objective. Its because they have dealt with the situation earlier.

...............................KM deals with different people working together and they were ready to share their knowledge , which leads to the objective, they or the organization is meant for.